

Paradise is a modular performance, bringing on-stage fragmented images of a dystopian future of humanity. The writer, Thomas Kock, delivers an aggressive, “in your face” text where the allegory of light is being used in a totally unexpected way.  The play begins with a description of the blinding sun expanding to its irreversible explosion: in Kock’s world, light does not redeem, it is torturous and marks the beginning of the end of the world. The lighting design concept draws inspiration from this repealing image of light and the show kicks off with blinders blinding the audience in a very slow 2 minutes fade. The colour palette of light uses highly saturated hues, creating distorted images of reality in high contrast.
“Paradise” by Thomas Köck, directed by Katerina Giannopoulou
Translation & Dramaturgy: G. Liakopoulos

Original Music: Y. Veslemes
Set Design & Costumes: N. Psychogiou
Lighting Design: C. Thanasoula – Creative Lighting
Assistant LD: M. Pavlaki
Set Construction: T. Marias
Live Camera: Y. Kyvernitis
Video: K. Charamountanis

Scientific Consultants:
Dr . Ch. Varvantakis , E. Theou
Hairstyles Konstantinos Koliousis
Assistant to Director: E.Christodoulopoulou
Production Management: S. Radis, V. Attarian
Photo: Dimitris Michalakis for Onassis Stegi

G. Kissandrakis, G.Papaioannou, D. Paraskelidou, M. Pitidis, V.Safos, M. Filini